Wednesday 30 September 2009

ARN Call to close BNP Centre in Dundonal - Petition

The Anti Racism Network are asking people to add their signatures (and organisations/trade unions etc if appropriate) to the letter below. They are also asking people to circulate the letter. The aim is to gather as much support as possible with the idea of launching a broad based campaign of political leaders, community and trade union leaders, and anti racism activists and anti racism supporters, committed to having the centre shut down. Two MLA's including Anna Lo, MLA, AP and Dawn Purvis, MLA, PUP signed amongst many others.

Please e-mail to add your name to the list SHUT DOWN THE BNP CALL CENTRE

WE THE UNDERSIGNED are horrified that the BNP’s national call centre is located in Carrowreagh Business Centre in Dundonald. The call centre is playing a central role in organizing recruitment and fundraising for the BNP and distributing their racist literature. We pledge our support for a campaign to have the call centre closed down. The last thing that Belfast needs is the presence of an organisation notorious for spreading racist lies whose members boast a string of convictions for race hate crimes. Wherever the BNP organises, immigrants and members of black and minority ethnic communities come under attack. In the past year NI has witnessed the poisonous effects of racism, with over 1000 attacks being reported to the PSNI - a figure many believe to be only a fraction of the true number. The attacks on Roma families have shown most visibly where this can lead, over one hundred people including many children fleeing their homes in fear of their lives. More recently, two Indian families living in Portadown had a number of windows in their homes smashed in racist attacks. In this context a BNP call centre in Dundonald is extremely alarming. The BNP is a deeply vicious organization. Racism, prejudice, anti women attitudes and homophobia permeates every aspect of the BNP. They call for the “repatriation” of all non whites - despite the fact that there are many non white people who are British. They refer to the holocaust as the “holohoax”. Their leader refers to gay people as being repulsive. Another leading member denies that rape exists saying publicly that forcing a woman to have sex against her will is not a crime because it is like forcing her to eat chocolate cake. The reality is that the BNP is a fascist organisation built on advancing their political goals through violence and lies. Their leader has a conviction for inciting racial hatred, as do many other members. An undercover journalist at a BNP “family day” held recently in England revealed how children were encouraged to burn gollywogs on a bonfire while the adults discussed where they would find “real” ones to burn and boasted of committing racist attacks in their own local areas. The Belfast Telegraph who reported the presence of the centre in Dundonald refers to the party as being fascist, stating “The British National Party is peddling its vile fascist propaganda from a secret Belfast bunker”. The true nature of the BNP is why so many people are opposed to their presence and do everything in their power to shut them down. Recently it was revealed that the BNP have been unable to secure office premises anywhere in East Lancashire. Reports confirm that time and time again landlords pulled out of deals for premises when they discovered who their new tenants would be. During the recent election campaign postal staff demanded their right to use a conscience clause in their contract to refuse to deliver their election literature. Many trade unions expel members who are found to be linked to the BNP. Every police force in the UK bans its members from joining the group. We are absolutely opposed to the BNP. We are calling on political leaders, community and trade union leaders, anti racism activists and all those in our society concerned about this alarming development to take a stand and organise together to shut down these hate mongers.

Please e-mail your name to

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